Concrete Slopes (Hard Armored Protection)

Concrete Slopes (Hard Armored Protection)

Goecell system with poured concrete allows construction of economical and flexible armored protection on slopes exposed to significant hydraulic or mechanical forces.

KRT® Geocell system provides stability to channels with steep slopes and continuous flow. The use of the concrete filled Geocell system allows construction of a strong armored slope protection layer, which has a thinner and a stronger cross-section of concrete than traditional methods. Thanks to the cellular confinement technology, there is no need for formwork or reinforcement like conventional methods.

In-situ cast Geocell system, which can be applied without using special equipment, is more economical than articulated concrete block systems. The system serves as a series of expansion joints providing a flexible form. By forming a flexible concrete layer compatible with the base movements, Geocell system reduces uncontrolled crack formation, piping and undermining potential.

Does Not Require Forms

Allows building fast and cost friendly flexible armor protection without using forms and reinforcement.

Concrete with a Higher Slump

Allows use of low cost, high slump concrete for easier application.

Controlled Concrete Depth

Reduces the amount of concrete by providing controlled constant depth.

Allows Cross Linking in Concrete

Concrete flowing between the cells through 10 mm perforations provides extra interlocking.

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